Reshaping Finance: How Automation Is Redefining Financial Operations


While automation is considered essential for optimally efficient finance operations, what that means is open to interpretation. While most finance professionals would say they employ automation of some sort, that can take a number of different forms: optical character recognition (OCR), robotic process automation (RPA), artificial intelligence (AI) — or some combination of them. AI is the most sophisticated of these, leveraging the other technologies and applying machine learning to improve its capabilities over time.

The benefits of next-level AI automation cannot be understated. IOFM teamed up with BILL to explore just what that means for finance, now and in the future. Choosing the right solution is key to maximizing the benefits for true business transformation — in both accounts payable and accounts receivable, budgeting and financial planning, reporting, and periodic closing.

In this whitepaper, we discuss the benefits of AI-powered automation now available, where it’s predicted to go, and how you can take steps to help bring your organization into the AI-automated future.

Download the white paper today.

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AP CertificationPP-OC_seal_APP_outline.FNLReceive 1 CEU towards maintaining any AP and P2P related program through IOFM! These programs are designed to establish standards for the profession and recognize accounts payable and procure-to-pay professionals who, by possessing related work experience and passing a comprehensive exam, have met stringent requirements for mastering the financial operations body of knowledge.

Continuing Education Credits available:

Receive 1 CEU towards IOFM programs:

AR-certFinal-AOCReceive 1 CEU towards maintaining any AR and O2C related program through IOFM! These programs are designed to establish standards for the profession and recognize accounts payable and procure-to-pay professionals who, by possessing related work experience and passing a comprehensive exam, have met stringent requirements for mastering the financial operations body of knowledge.

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