Certification & Membership

Increase your ROI

Membership and Certification are two separate services offered by IOFM. You can be a Member without enrolling in a Certification program, and you can take one of our Certification programs or maintain an existing Certification without being a Member. However, the two are designed to work best together to ensure that financial operations professionals are performing with the highest levels of efficiency and confidence. 

For those new to IOFM, we offer introductory bundles of Professional (1 seat) Membership and a 1-year enrollment in one of our Certification programs. Combined, the bundle is valued at $1,800 — but you'll only pay $1,250.

Professional Membership renews annually at $850; there is no cost to renew your Certification annually.

Why should you bundle? 

Either of these services are beneficial on their own. IOFM Certification programs have trained over 25,000 financial operations professionals in best practices for their professions. IOFM Members have 24/7 access to the entire digital content library of IOFM.com (3,000+ resources) as well as an extensive list of other Member benefits. Each can leverage the other to increase its value. 

If you start with Certification alone, you'll find that the real work starts after you become Certified. Do you have the ongoing support and resources to take what you've learned and implement improvements at your own company?  

Vice versa, if you start with Membership alone, you may discover that the way that the way your company has been doing things is not in line with industry best practices. Completing Certification will give you the comprehensive training to best utilize our Member content. 

Membership also makes it easier to maintain your Certification for years to come: 

  • Certified Members are also entitled to self-report 5 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) per year for being a Member (those who are CPRS certified receive a discount on their recertification fee). 
  • Certified Members have free or discounted access to our series of 12 annual Live Compliance Webinars (2 CEUs each). These are free to Business and Enterprise Members and $199/each for Professional Members. 
  • Certified Members can also attend our APP2P Conferences (13 CEUs each) for a discounted rate. Many of our Certification-holders hold IOFM Membership (5 CEUs) and attend one of our two annual conferences (13 CEUs) each year to completely fulfill their contining education requirements of 15 CEUs.

Register Today! 

Our most popular packages are available for online self-checkout on the right, or you can request a quote for any combination of a single enrollment in a Certification program and any Membership plan. If you have any questions, please reach out to our Advisory Services Team by email or at 207-842-5663.

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