

WF_377610_APP2P18_Automation_Anywhere_October_Cover_mockup.png.small.300x300.pngOrganizations have a lot riding on the efficiency and effectiveness of their procure-to-pay processes.

Disruptions to an organization’s ability to purchase or pay for materials, goods and

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Traditionally, procurement & finance teams have relied on their ERP systems to deliver a smooth & transparent transactional process. With businesses expanding, increased supply chain

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As technology and business requirements evolve, the Procure-to-Pay (P2P) cycle needs to be revisited from time to time by Purchasing and AP to ensure it is meeting both internal needs and the needs… Read More

7 Reasons Your AP and Payments Cover.jpg.webinarwhitepaper-thumbnail.175x200.jpegFrom start to finish, paying suppliers is still manual and paper-intensive process for most businesses, especially those with many banking accounts and distributed ERP applications. 


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A shared concern for both Finance and Procurement is managing cost and increasing savings captured. Though both departments are striving to achieve this common goal, they

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Volatile and rising commodity, supply chain, and energy costs constitute a major risk of doing business in today’s economy. Since procured costs typically constitute between 25 percent and 60

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This template provides an example of an AP Purchasing Policy. Microsoft Word

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This template is an example of a purchase order policy. Microsoft Word

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By Pam Miller, APMD Looking for more effective and more efficient ways to get the job done? Take a look at these AP “tricks of the trade” that have been successfully used in AP departments just

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IOFM contacted Schmidt to ask her to share her secrets about her successful AP operation and her AP best practices. What follows is Schmidt's description of her success with a recent implementation

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