Policies & Procedures


Invoices are essential to the accounts payable department's success. They clearly tell AP what was purchased, the quantity, the price, and break out additional charges like delivery and tax. Without

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Today, technology such as T&E and procurement-cards eliminate much of the need for a petty cash box. Nevertheless, many companies retain a petty cash stash. Companies that do may give that… Read More

What provokes a better response: the carrot or the stick? Many businesses make the move to electronic data interchange (EDI) because their trading partners demand it. Some suppliers surcharge

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The Provincial Sales Tax in Quebec is referred to as the Quebec Sales Tax (QST). The majority of goods and services sold or provided in Quebec are taxable at a rate of 8.5 percent. The GST is… Read More

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 made several changes to federal whistleblower protection laws. Congress' goal was to encourage employees to report illegal

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The main focus of accounts payable (AP) is paying vendor invoices, of course. But what happens when that focus is suddenly shifted? What happens when it is the vendor who owes you, rather than the

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Freight Claims: The Basics Automating Claims Handling Solving Problems with Carriers The Cost of Claims No shipper looks forward to filing a claim against a carrier. The process takes several weeks,

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If one of your vendors was inflating shipping charges, would you be able to detect it? Would your automated freight payment system flag the error or approve it for payment? While in most cases

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An effective internal control system is more than a necessary evil required by internal or external auditors. It is simply good business. Why? An internal control system can help a company meet its… Read More
Q. When a vendor provides ACH information on their invoice are we in compliance/obligated to… Read More

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