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This month’s question:
What’s on your list? No, not your “naughty or nice” list, your year-end task list! Can you share with us the top five or six things you most heavily focus on getting done by the end of December?
Things can get chaotic toward the end of the year, and AP tends to be in the thick of things. The key to reducing stress and improving the process for next year is to stay organized, plan ahead and communicate with your team.
The AR and credit departments have a variety of high-priority tasks to accomplish at year-end, and because there’s cash at stake, it’s definitely a high profile endeavor. We offer a punch list of best practices to help you get everything done.
Join IOFM and Cokala on December 14th to prepare for a successful Form 1099 filing season – fewer 1099 corrections – and less exposure to errors and IRS penalties – with the timely information you’ll receive in this webinar of the comprehensive Year-end Form 1099 Checklist covering these essential compliance tasks and updates.
For many organizations, end-of-year close is a messy and inefficient process that relies heavily on spreadsheets. While those can be helpful, that technique may not be optimal for large companies. Close-tracking automation can ease the load.
In the U.S., challenges and barriers have prevented greater adoption of electronic invoicing and the advancement of automation between buyers and sellers, as well as their respective systems, platforms, and service providers. Join IOFM and Todd Albers on December 11th for this free webinar to learn how the Exchange Framework breaks down the barriers that have prevented the adoption of e-invoicing and much more!
What are you waiting for?