Certification Study Tips

IOFM's online Certification Programs are designed to be self-study e-learning experiences. This means that you can become Certified conveniently, on your own schedule. However, online classes can have an initial learning curve, especially if you're used to traditional classroom settings or if you have not had to take a class in many years. We have put together these tips to help you get the most out of your IOFM Certification Programs. 

Learn your study style

Everyone learns differently. Maybe you absorb information better when reading in a quiet environment. Or maybe you retain more from someone telling you the information. This is why your e-learning course contains both audiovisual and text elements.

Have you ever taken a quiz to find out your learning style? You can find one at learningstylequiz.com (no email registration necessary). 

For those that may benefit from a live instructor, we offer limited online supplemental reviews throughout the year ($100). These are based on audience demand, so they are not offered in all Certification Programs. If you're interested and do not see your class available, please contact us so that we can gauge demand for future classes.

IOFM is committed to accessibility. Disability-related accommodation requests should be sent to [email protected] as soon as possible after enrollment. 

Set a schedule for yourself

A self-paced course requires you to be self-motivated and disciplined to ensure you complete the program. IOFM allows up to a year to complete the program and recommends a timeline of about 3 months of working through the study materials before attempting the exam. However, everybody learns at their own pace, so find what feels comfortable for you and stick to it.

Create a study schedule using a calendar app on your phone or computer. You can give yourself deadlines to have read certain chapters and set notifications to remind yourself leading up to the deadline. We recommend studying about a chapter a week. Using time-blocking and a timer may help you fit studying in with the other commitments in your life. 

Engage with the material

Regardless of learning style, it is a commonality that people who are actively learning will retain more information than those who are passively learning. Taking notes is a great example of actively engaging with the material. You can either keep a paper and pen with you to jot down notes, or use the built-in note-taking feature in our e-textbooks. 

Highlighting is not supported in our e-textbooks, but you can print the e-textbook and highlight the paper copy to your heart's content. 

If available in your course, use the practice quizzes to test your own comprehension of the material before moving onto the next section. 

Create a dedicated study space

Study in a distraction-free environment. This space should have high-speed internet (unless you are planning on printing the e-textbook instead). If you are able to consistently study from the same place, being in that dedicated environment can act as a cue to your brain to be ready to work. 

You can decide what environmental factors will help boost your productivity. Some people can listen to music when they study; others need quiet. Some prefer background activity (like a library or coffee shop); others may find that too distracting. You will know what works for you. 

Find study buddies

If you're taking the course with other colleagues at your company, form a study group! If you're taking the course on your own, find someone in your life (friend, colleague, partner) who will hold you accountable for making progress in your course. 

Manage your stress

We know it's easier said than done, but try not to stress! It's completely normal to have anxiety when taking an exam, especially if you haven't had to take one for a while. This is why you have three attempts to pass the final exam — to take some of the pressure off. And rest assured, the team at IOFM is on your side and will work with you on an individual basis to help you succeed. If you have failed two of out three of your final attempts, reach out to us so that we can see what options are available to you before your third attempt. 

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